martes, 26 de abril de 2011


Heloo! Today I going to talk about the technology in my life, well I`m not too intelligent using technology, the most of the time I can`t understand his operative system whit all his function keys.
I have and old celphone and I use it to speak little things to my mom or some friend but I can live without it, I don’t care a lot if I forget it in my house oh! I miss it because I can`t see what time is it. I have a computer too it`s more or less new because I had other but the last year some people come to my house and stole it, how lucky had my family because nobody was in the house when that happens.
After of that my dad bought to me a new computer for surprise, the same who I had had before the stole. It is my favorite piece of technology and the most useful; I use it to see my email, for speaking whit my best friend (she lives in Canada now)  and to do university works and read the text to the different  subjects.        

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

My new free time

My free time, this is an great topic for today, well, now I have more free time than in lasts years because I use to practice Rhythmic Gymnastic with the Chilean selection, the training was very hard and for four hours a day the five days in the week. Because of it I wasn´t have too much free time or the free time who my friends have, tired of that I decided withdraw of the Gymnastic  for  have more free time and do other things in my life. So now I have more free time and I can do a lot of things!
In my free time when I´m in my house I try do some activities with my family like cook all together and have diner  after  or may be in the weekend see a movie. Oh! In my free time in the weekend I sleep a lot specially the Saturdays when I come back to home after the scout because I´m work in a group with children and they are warnings.
The rest of my free time I meet whit my old school friends, my boyfriend and reading different things about my career. Now I had been a new experience too in a workshop of circus and it has been a good experience.  
Ok I thing I´m live a new stage about my fee time and I enjoy it, I hope learn more different things about dance, other sports and about my career and other initiatives in the Faculty.

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2011


Ok I give to you the best welcome to my blog. My name is Ignacia Palma, I´m in the second year of sociology where I found some of my best friends. In this semester I hope lear more about my career and have more funny and more historic momentous with my friends.
For othre way I hope of this english class practice more the english and publich interested things in my blog.
Remember you can leave to me a coment! I going to visit your blog too.

See you latter.

The great Karl Marx

Today I’m going to talk about Karl Marx a person who made a big contribution to the sociology, philosophy and economy. He changed the way of thinking and doing social science at his time, with his eternal partner Friederich Engels.
He was born in 1818 in Prussia, and died in 1883. Son of a Jewish family, he was the third of seven brothers. At the beginning he study Laws in the University of Bonn but he left that career for study Philosophy in Berlin, after of that he go to Paris and there he meet Friederich Engels, it this time he wrote his first manuscript about his theory like the Communist Manifest.
He isn’t just wrote about the revolutionary theory, he participate in the foundation of the First International of Communists, he live and work for the working-class.
I chose Karl Marx because his theories have a lot of interesting things.  I read some parts of his master book “The Capital” and with his social theory he explains a lot of the phenomenon of the economy. He is a great intellectual and nobody can give to us a better theory.