viernes, 23 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite movie

Today I`m going to write about my fauvorite movie! Ok, my fauvorite movie is “The science of sleep” this film was directed and writed by the French director,  Michel Godry and was released in 2006.
This movie is about the dreams and imagination, Stephane, the firs actor, hasn`t control in his imagination and he can`t distinguish the real word and his mind word. This movie is about creativity and, I don`t know, maybe see the word like a child, and I like it.
Stephane is the entire movie around the madness and sometimes I would like see the word with this eyes, every things in the movie is crazy, his work friends, his mother, his lover. With his lover he can`t control himself and she likes his madness and she plays along with him.
I really like from this movie the play into the real word and imagine word, the photography direction is really good a correct answer from Jean-Louis Bompoint because express perfect the mind of Stephane.
This film has a bonus because Stephane is represented by Gael García Bernal, an mexican actor and he is really good and I like it.
I really recommend this movie and when you going to see this movie pay atencion in the photography and dialogues there are amazing and transport you to other word.

3 comentarios:

  1. this movie is great..
    i know some videomusic of michael gondry, and they are very oniric too...


  2. I love thar movie!

    Gael Garcia is a good actor, and I see in another movies too.

    You saw "la mala educacion"? It is good.

  3. Hi ignacia!
    I haven't seen that movie, and i don't know the director either, but after reading you i think i'm going to see it, because it sounds like a really pretty movie. We should see things from Stephane's eyes sometimes.
